At Bsure we have over 30 years experience in Pensions, Savings and Investment plans.
Our area of expertise is in pension plans, we offer offer excellent plans with high rates of return and the lowest fees.
Saving plans
We have many options when it comes to savings plans to suit your needs. Whether you want a low risk savings plan which is 100% guaranteed or a higher risk plan with better potential we can advise and update you of the plans progress through its life.
Pension plans
We tend to offer PPA plans which have guaranteed returns. There are plans which have a varying degree of risk attached which we can also advise on.
If you want to switch your plan from one company to another we can also advise on the best course of action.
Investment plans
As insurance brokers we work with a wide variety of insurers who offer investment plans.
The plans are flexible and you are in a position to diversify the plan in different funds. You may want to have 50% of the investment in low risk national market in the IBEX and the offer 50% in international markets at a higher risk level. We will be able to set up a plan for you and you will have access to the progress every 2 days online.
Whether you are looking to invest a small sum or a larger sum we are available to advise on which are the best insurers with the no penalties when exiting.
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What we Offer
Many years experience in providing pension plans and safe invement plans
Extremely courteous staff continue to be of service when we needed insurance
Murray McClellan

Are pension plans gauranteed?
What types of Pension plans are available to me?
Benefits of using a broker for your Pension, Saving or Investment plan
Easy Amendments
Wide Range of Insurers available
We have a list of many excellent insurance providers that we trust and have a relationship with.
Having 30 years experience in the insurance sector we are well placed to give you the best deal.